Welcome to the updated Karaoke Info Forum!

About Us

About Us - All About The Karaoke Forum

To begin with, the Karaoke Forum is our message board and chat area for the Karaoke Info Website. Indeed, the Karaoke Forum has been here for a long time and is very active. Moreover, we encourage people to visit the Karaoke Forums regularly. This is because we can exchange news and information here quickly and in good order.

Obviously, the Karaoke Forum is a good place for shorter posts. Indeed, many people prefer forums to blogs because of their simplicity. Of course, we generally use the main Karaoke Info Blog for more in-depth posts. However, there are no restrictions, and members can post anywhere.

Our team is basically a unit that includes five members, Unicorn, Jacky, Baz, Slinky, Julie and Spotlight. You can contact us for any relevant reason, especially if you see a fault with the site. In brief, a reply will come from any one of the team. However, we do not respond to anything illegal or immoral. This is because we are an information exchange site, and we only operate within the bounds of the law. With this in mind, anything you say to us remains confidential. Indeed, we have a Privacy Policy in place to protect you.

Indeed, We Cover The Lot!

The Karaoke Forum here covers all the subject matters, including off-topic items. For example, we have the main Karaoke Lounge for most karaoke news. However, the lounge is there for any scrap of information too. Of course, there are other forums, such as a music forum.
Then, to cater for all, we have two off-topic forums where all other subjects are under discussion. Because we all deserve a time and place to let our hair down! But if you feel we could add something else, let us know. If it is viable, then we will look into things.

So, join us today and have your say today. Obviously, you may also join the main Karaoke Blog. However, we encourage everyone to join both. Finally, we hope you enjoy your time at the Karaoke Forum and encourage you to call back often.